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The latest news daily on Addiction and Recovery around the globe.
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Our latest event with Hope Guides & The Runway Recovery, featuring Certified Level II Drug and Alcohol Counselor, Karen Willock.
The Runway Recovery.
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Hope Guides
Jason "Jelly Roll" DeFord makes emotional plea to Congress to fight fentanyl overdoses.
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“The Addict’s Mom” has extraordinary news! President Obama has selected our Barbara Theodosiou as a recipient of a White House Champion Of Change award! Moms, thanks to your nominations, Barbara, and her work with “The Addict’s Mom” is being recognized for “doing extraordinary things to make a difference in her community.” President Obama honors ordinary citizens who have the “passion and belief in their cause to work at the grass-roots level to create reforms.”
From their kitchen tables to the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House; On September 19, 2016 The Addict's Mom Executive Director Leisha Underwood and TAM Marketing Director Michelle Jaskulski met with Drug Czar Michael Botticelli, who called the meeting to listen firsthand to the voices of parents battling substance use disorders within their own families.
Upon meeting with Director of the Office of National Drug Control policy Michael Botticelli at the White House, Underwood described how important the opportunity was to her. “Nobody is more determined or more affected by the disease of addiction than a mother," she said. "Nobody will ever fight harder to save a child. The societal stigma and misunderstanding experienced by mothers simply trying to save their children can be crippling. We are proud and honored to be heard by this administration."
The Addict's Mom's race car
March 2017
TAM is off to the races! As a child, TAM member Sherry McKnight spent hours watching her father speed around the track in his race car at historic Bowman Grey Stadium in Winston Salem, North Carolina. When Sherry learned that family friend Billy Gregg, an expert short track driver, needed a sponsor, she decided to contribute the fee. TAM founder, Barbara Theodosiou, gladly gave permission for Billy to display “The Addict’s Mom” logo on the hood of his sleek car!
The TAM quilt symbolizes the unity of a group of determined women, led by the re-markable Barbara Theodosiou, whose own beloved boy died this year. TAM moms stand united against the disease of addiction, united against the stigma of addiction, and united against the mistreatment of our children by the broken Mental health and prison systems. TAM moms stand united and undefeated as they “Share without Shame” the moment-by-moment agony of being the mother of a child suffering from addiction.
The newest TAM quilt was displayed to a crowd of thousands on the main stage of the Fed Up Rally on September 18, 2016. Using squares submitted by over 500 TAM members, the quilt is a varied composite of three different colored squares; red for a child currently in active addiction, white for a family member now in recovery, and black in memory of a loved one lost to this dreadful disease. Dedicated to Barbara in memory of her son, Daniel Montalbano, who lost his struggle with addiction, the TAM quilt is a symbol of honor, celebration, and poignant remembrance to those now gone.
Thank you Autumn Young for the video! See more pictures HERE
See more TAM in the Media
“The Addict’s Mom” is a group focusing on the mothers of addicted children.
The Addict's Mom assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness.
I am an addict's Mom
The Addict's Mom Lights of Hope 2015